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4 Steps to Reduce Work Based Stress.

It amazes me how many people who live busy work lives and are juggling the pressures of work do not realise just how important they are to the success equation.

Yet, they will MOT a car to make sure it succeeds in getting them where they need to go.

One of the reasons is that when it comes to stress it is the invisible killer, it builds and builds and we do not realise it. Alternatively we begin to believe that we thrive on it, yet this is not the case.

You can get addicted to it, but, stress is part of our natural defence system, it is only meant to run for a short time and then switch off. Running on stress constantly is detrimental to your physical, emotional and mental #wellbeing. 74% of people who experience stress burnout never achieve at their previous levels again. However, #stress and #anxiety can be overcome.

Here are 4 Steps that you can take to #Overcome that #Work#Based#Stress.

Step 1: Drawing the Line.

If the tennis balls goes outside of the court, or the football outside of the pitch the game stops for a while. When it comes to managing our stress at work.

Set your boundaries and keep to them. It is so important. Otherwise you will end up feeling like you are living at work. Have a cut off time for when you will respond to phone calls, emails etc and make sure others know them. Draw that line in the sand, if you are going to finish work at 6 then finish work at 6, if that email pops up at 5:59pm, then it can wait till the morning. Switch off your notifications as you leave the building and close the inner office for the day.

2. Priority List

First job of the day create a To Do list for the day, prioritise what needs to get done first and stick to it.

Jumping here there and everywhere flitting between tasks will only create confusion. Get things done in the order that is best.

3. Declutter

Studies show that just looking at a cluttered desk with piles of stuff tod o can spike anxiety levels. They also have shown how environment impacts upon our mental and emotional states. So, if your desk and work space looks like a bomb hit it. Start to sort it, break it into areas and tackle one little space at a time, that way it is less overwhelming.

Once it is tidy, set up a system that organises your work and keeps the space functional and tidy. This hoes for your digital workspace as well. Empty recycle bin, organise your emails. A little time spent doing this now will reduce the stress in the future.

4. Make the most of your Free Time.

Once you have created your boundaries, decluttered and organised then it is time to enjoy the space you have created yourself.

When you leave work and switch those notifications off then tell yourself,

"That is Work FINISHED for today."

Really take time to appreciate how great it is to be out of the office. To spend time with family and friends where you can be fully present with them. Your activities and hobbies will be more rewarding when you put these things in place and you can sleep better when the work day is properly completed.

If stress is something that you are dealing with or is affecting your workplace then let's have a chat.

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